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July 8, 2008

The City of Salem Board of Health held its regular meeting at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, 3rd floor conference room on Tuesday July 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.  Present were Paulette Puleo, Chairwoman, Noreen Casey, Barbara Poremba, Christina Harrington.

Also present Joanne Scott, Health Agent.  Excused Martin Fair & Carol Rainville, also Tracy Giarla, Public Health Nurse.  

Meeting called to order at 7:16 p.m.


Christina made a motion to accept previous minutes with changes, Barbara 2nd, all in favor, motion passed.


Joanne reviewed Tracy’s June 2008 report and was accepted as read.


Monthly reports were reviewed and accepted as informational.


Witch City Ink, 1 Museum Place Mall, Salem, MA, Mr. Nathan Lin, Owner.

Mr. Lin thanked the Board for reviewing his information he submitted.  Mr. Lin said Salem has no language in the regulations to have guest artists from other states and countries.  Mr. Lin said it is customary for reputable body art business to occasionally invite famous artists from abroad to work at their business.  Mr. Lin said he currently has artists from Holland, Italy, and Japan who have inquired about becoming guest artists.

Joanne said she worked for a year with Mr. & Mrs. Murphy from Purple Scorpion to make sure
they follow all of the regulations. Paulette said we should form a subcommittee to review the Apprenticeship Procedures.  Barbara and Noreen said they would like to be on the subcommittee.

Mr. Lin would like a fish tank in the waiting room and he would like the Board to consider his request.  Paulette said they will check into this issue. Paulette said the Board will be very busy with the Transfer Station in the coming months and they will get back to him as soon as they can.  A discussion took place regarding all that Mr. Lin presented to the Board.  

Christina made a motion to have Joanne look over Mr. Linn’s documents and Body Art permits from Cambridge & Saugus and allow the variance as provided by four credit course, Noreen 2nd, all in favor, motion passed.

Department of Environmental Meeting.  

Joanne said the meeting was held with John Carrigan in Wilmington, MA.  DEP Legal Council, has concerns about Air Quality, Irving Gas Station, Salem Hospital because they are within a
mile of the Transfer Station.  

The Board reviewed the letter to be sent to the Mayor about the contract for Waste Management.  A discussion took place.  Christina made a motion to send the letter, Noreen 2nd, all in favor, motion passed.  

Paulette said there will not be a Board Meeting in August.

The next regular Board of Health meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2008.


Barbara made a motion to adjourn the meeting Noreen 2nd, all in favor, motion passed.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,  

Mary F. Page, Clerk of the Board